Wednesday, April 29, 2009


At last my finals have kicked off a week earlier than originally planned but that is totally ok with me! Today I just got done with my Social Psychology test and it was a lot easier than expected to be. I guess the last minute study session that wasn't carefully planned worked. hmmm. My Sociology to Mental Health is tomorrow night and I get to do my first diagnosis and not get in trouble for it because it's for class reasons. I'm super excited about it and just ready for it to end. My weakness, Math, is going to start on May 5th :( I'm really scared about it because I've had friends that have taken the same class four times and I really don't want to do this again. Just take this then intermediate then free at last! I need to finish err start my Applied to Psychology paper that will be five pages long. No bulling this paper because he expects it to be perfect and grades hard on them too.... crap. Intro to Criminal Justice won't be hard at all I know that like the back of my hand. lol. Well, gotta start dinner because my dad won't start his part before I think about starting.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

This week in class....

So Monday was really cool not only is it the day of one of my favorite classes it was also the day I got to see a Narcotics dog. It was sooo awesome because I love animals and German Shepards are really awesome because you can train them to do anything and everything and they remember it. Unlike my dog a Golden Retriever you can't do anything with it because it only wants to take your food or hunt. Pretty boring when you haven't taken Hunter's Ed and when your really hungry and trying to eat. We were originally going to get out at 7pm but we thought it was interesting and wouldn't let them leave until 8pm. Then Wednesday rolled around and it was the day of my boring class that never gets out when I want it to (It starts at 6pm and I want to leave at 6 and 30 seconds) but I was actually entertained. I didn't go the week before because I had Emily so I didn't participate but she let me make up for it by bringing the evaluation forms to the Psych office which was fine. Going to Stabler Hall was not going to kill me. I had to have someone go with me and after telling her I wasn't going to call for an escort she made the only guy in class go up there with me. I still don't know why but whatever. We talked the whole way and I guess he just doesn't know how to socialize but he really wasn't weird after all. He just doesn't like to talk in front of people and thats why he's usually a nervous wreck whenever he talks out loud in class. Unlike me, I'm in the back cracking jokes left and right counting down the pages until we leave annoying my friend Rebecca while doing so. Today was pretty interesting because the teacher I've had for the last three semesters finally came out of why she asks this question to her Intro to Soc. students and she's now going through a divorce. I'm still afraid to answer the question because that means I'm ready and I have thought of the question the first time she asked me it and I still think of it from time to time and still can't answer it. She told me tonight that when I'm ready I'll answer the question but if I can't answer the question honestly then don't do it. So I'm having fun and not thinking of the question. I did ask a couple of people and neither one of them could answer the question. Well, off to go through my finals. Next week I have to analyze a diagnosis because I've already diagnosed a person with PTSD and Sex addiction. Wow I love Sociology of Mental Health!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Waiting Game

The waiting game. We all play it even if it's just standing in a never-ending line at the grocery store. Sometimes it's for bigger things like being in labor forever and a half for it all to be over with and you forget the pain. Then there is graduation. I remembered for my high school graduation I sat there for what feels like forever just waiting to get the diploma and leave. No longer in high school. But those are for more joyous times in your life. Now there is the death waiting game. You just sit at the hospital pacing back and forth calling the insurance company, the funeral home, the family and friends. You try so hard to keep yourself together to talk to these people but you can't hold up. You're scared that you don't know what's going to happen to them once they die because death is final. Nothing more comes of life except for getting burned or burried. It really sucks but it's part of life. It's the longest wait in your life because its the last moments that you will have with your loved one. I have enjoyed spending time with my cousins because I love being with my family and spoiling my little cousins whenever possible but really it sucks for the reasons of why we are spending time like this. Well off to play the PhD in Sociology waiting game....

Monday, April 13, 2009

Bathroom diary

So I went to use the bathroom at school which is no big deal because I've done it before. Well apparently it was a big deal today. So I was in class and the professor is going over important stuff and i didn't really want to go up 3 flights of stairs run across the walk and then go down the ramp just to use the bathroom. So I figured why not after class. Well I went to the student center because I was going to get some coffee because I was dosing off and use the bathroom. Well a classmate decided to talk to me which was no big deal but it took my whole 45 minute break between classes. So I finally got a chance to use the bathroom. No I don't mind the whole reason behind the automatic flushers but really? Does it really need to be every time you bend over and wipe? It is the most annoying thing. Also, what's up with the 1 1/2 by 3 foot stalls? who the hell can move around to wipe or get something out of their purse. Lord forbid you have a big ass purse like me or a backpack because then you really don't have room to manuver. Then before you sit down the toilet just starts to flush. Then you sit down it starts to flush. Then if you lean over because they put the toilet paper roll right next to the door and your having to reach around the purse, the other way for the personal product holder to get the toilet paper all while that damn toilet thinks your done using the facilities and its flushing non stop. So annoying. I think some crack head was in his basement going he look, look, im gonna come up with a way to piss people off while in the bathroom. Then we have the automatic sink. You walk up and barely try to get it on it comes on. When you are ready you are waving your hands like your at a concert and it won't work. Finally you get it to work to get your hands wet enough to put soap on and you have the oh so lovely automatic soap dispenser. You put your hand under it and it doesn't work but as soon as you pull out it gets on the counter top. Then you pull your hand in out in to get the soap and it barely gets any and you have to do it several times to get enough soap on your hand. Then you do the concert wave thing with the sink to get water. Oops I moved my hands to close to me when rinsing my hands off and still have soap on them. I then do the concert wave and 3 minutes late for class. Then I'm finally done with the washing hands thing and its time for the paper towel dispenser. This is easy but can get tidious. You wave your hand in front of the sensor and get a 3"x4" paper towel that will not dry your soaking hands. So you have to tear the paper off because it thinks it gave you enough already and it won't roll anymore out if it's there. So you have to wait till the red led light goes off to get another paper towel to finish drying off your hands until you give up and use your shirt. Then we have that automatic hand sanitizer dispensor same thing with the floor until you say fuck this im 8 minutes late for class gotta go. Bathrooms today are just not the same. What happened to turn your ass around and flush the toilet pump the soap your self turn the sink on and off yourself and push the handle down like a slot machine to get paper towels and where did the hand sanitizer come from? Dudes really?

Sunday, April 12, 2009

my family is falling apart

On Friday my Aunt Renea got a call and was told her dad wouldn't make it through the night. This weekend her youngest daughter, Emily, has been over more than any of my cousins. Don't get me wrong I LOVE being with my family I really do but, it's just not something that happens very often. My family for some reason or another just doesn't come up here. When we first moved here the whole point of us living in Arkansas was to get closer to our family because I was raised completely without them and my brother was only eight years. The only thing that has been happening is the family falling apart. When my Nana died three years ago we haven't had much to do with my dad's family for some reason or another. The only one I keep in touch with on a weekly basis is my Uncle Norman and he lives in Colorado. My Mom's side however is a little different. I kind of tolerate my Grandma Jackie but not by much. Then my Granny, she is my mom's step-mom and she's more of a grandmother than Jackie is. Like I said before, I love my family it is just falling apart slowly. I did however get closer to my cousins Carmen, Dustin, and Missy. They live in Sarepta and I can only go there a few times a year but I love them to death. Well, gotta go because I'm on my parent's computer and my dad is kicking me off.